ABSTRACT: Natural regime of surface and groundwater in the upper part of the Torysa river catchment is influenced by long-term abstraction of groundwater, which had started already in 1954 and has been increasing importantly during late 80-ties and early 90-ties of the last century. Relationships among surface stream discharges, groundwater levels and groundwater abstractions in the upper Torysa river catchment was assessed using statistical methods. The results showed that as a whole, groundwater abstraction still negatively influences the groundwater regime, mainly in the lower part of the catchment, where the cumulative influence of all abstraction points was showed. The groundwater level has a rising tendency in the lower part of the Slavkovský brook catchment because of the abstractions decrease in the upstream area, slightly higher precipitation and quite good retention abilities of the aquifers.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Brušková, V., Fendeková, M. & P. Némethy, 2005: Súčasný stav ovplyvnenia povrchových a podzemných vôd v povodí hornej Torysy.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XI, 1/2005, 49-63.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
povrchová a podzemná voda, odbery podzemných vôd, ovplyvnenie, klimatické faktory
key words:
surface and groundwater, groundwater abstraction, influencing, climatic factors