ABSTRACT: Hydrogeological settings of the area of Tisovec Karst are described within this paper, according to the classification of individual lithostratigraphical units due to specific groundwater runoff from spring discharges. Deeper groundwater circulation takes place mainly in the Middle-Upper Triassic carbonates of the Silica nappe. The most prospective resource of groundwater with high qualitative features, but the most vulnerable one, is to be found in the subrgroup of the Silica nappe carbonates (Carbonate complex). Groundwater outflow from the Gutenstein and Wetterstein limestones and dolomites and Dachstein and Tisovec limestones of the Silica nappe is concentrated mainly to three important karstic springs – Teplica, Periodická vyvieračka and Pod hradom, which exceed the discharge of 20.0 l.s-1.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Vojtková, S., Vojtko, R. & P. Malík, 2008: Podzemné vody v oblasti Tisovského krasu.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XIV, 2/2008, 139-150.