ABSTRACT: In Slovakia, hydrogeochemical maps have been prepared for more than 35 years. By the 1990’s, only printed hydrogeochemical maps were compiled. A new generation of digital hydrogeochemical maps were prepared after 1994. However, the unified digital presentation of hydrogeochemical information in the maps is common only from 2005, when Kordík and Slaninka prepared new internal rule for compilation of basic hydrogeochemical maps at a scale 1:50 000. The uniform principles discussed in the paper follows the requests of the Directive on the processing and delivering of the results in geographical information system and the Directive on the hydrogeochemical map compilation. Hydrogeochemical maps serve basically an information on chemical status and qualitative properties of groundwater. The main information value in uniform information system can be divided into the basic information layers concerning qualitative properties, water management characteristics, geochemical properties (groundwater genesis) and database (chemical analyses). The new generation of maps with stress on its information value represents state of art technique which can be user friendly enough to be used by public as well as wide scientific community dealing with water management issue.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Kordík, J. & I. Slaninka, 2009: Zostavovanie základných hydrogeochemických máp na Slovensku – cesta k jednotným digitálnym podkladom.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XV, 1/2009, 87-99.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
podzemná voda, hydrogeochemická mapa, databáza, kvalita, geografický informačný systém
key words:
groundwater, hydrogeochemical map, database, quality, geographical information systems