Zlatica Ženišová, Alexandra Ďuričková, Renáta Fľaková, Andrea Ľuptáková
ABSTRACT: Urban area of Bratislava is a place with significant anthropogenic influence with many sources of water pollution. The groundwater quality in the Bratislava City showed great variability depending on the location of observation objects. Different levels of environmental burden caused by anthropogenic activity have been very strongly reflected in the groundwater quality. An improvement has been confirmed in the Bratislava area water quality based on long term measurement data. This improvement was reflected by the decrease in pollutants concentrations in the waters. Groundwater quality data were processed for the period 1985 - 2013 out of a total of 28 observation objects of SHMI in Bratislava area. Water quality of gravel pits was assessed on the basis of data present in the database of the Department of Hydrogeology Comenius University of Bratislava for the period 1978 – 2017. Anthropogenic impacts on groundwater quality are mainly manifested by enhanced concentrations of sulphates, chlorides and some trace elements (Cd, Cu, Ni, As, Cr). Contamination index (Cd) in groundwater in most observation objects reached value of 0. Locations with the highest Cd values were Slovnaft (the second monitored level of groundwater level) with the Cd value 3,27 and location BA-Za Dynamitkou with the Cd value 2,63.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Ženišová, Z., Ďuričková, A., Fľaková, R. & A. Ľuptáková 2018: Anorganické znečistenie podzemných vôd v urbanizovanom území Bratislavy.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 24, 2/2018, 167-185.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
Podzemná voda, štrkoviská, povrchová voda, kvalita, urbanizované územie, Bratislava
key words:
Groundwater, gravel pits, surface water, quality, urbanised area, Bratislava City