ABSTRACT: First geothermal doublet (exploitation and reinjection boreholes) in Slovakia was drilled in Podhájska. Hydrogeothermal conditions of geothermal water occurrence were assessed on the base of well testing results. The main aquifer of geothermal water is represented by Triassic carbonates with the thickness of 232 - 375 m. Free outflow of the exploitation well Po-1 has the value 53 l/s geothermal water with the temperature of 82° C on the wellhead. The value of free outflow from the reinjection well GRP-l was 28,5 l/s with the temperature of 69,5. The scaling might occur in the depth interval 90 - 175 m. This locality has the thermal power of geothermal water about 14,2 MWt.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Fendek, M. 1998: Hydrogeotermálne podmienky exploatácie a reinjektáže geotermálnych vôd v Podhájskej.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, IV, 1/1998, 5-15.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
geotermálne vody, exploatačný a reinjektážny vrt, hydraulické parametre, bod evázie plynov, inkrustácia, geotermálna energia
key words:
geothermal water, exploitation and reinjection well, hydraulic parameters, bubble point, scaling, geothermal energy