ABSTRACT: Highway D1 in the section between villages Bidovce and Dargov is a part of the intended highway net building in Slovakia. This section is preliminary suggested in four variants. Thee of them shall overcome Slanské Mts. ridge with tunnels. The territory concerned is geologicaly and hydrogeologicaly very express ive and complicated. Geological structure of the territory consists of quarternary sediments and sediments and volcanical rocks of Neogene. Quarternary on the hills slopes is represented by prolluvial and delluvial loamy gravels and stony - loamy debris with intermedial permeability. Sediments of neogene molassa on the eastern slopes forefield of Slanské Mts. are represented by Kochanovce formation (days interbedded with sands, lignite, tuffs and tuffites) with low permeability. Volcanical rocks belong to the contact zone of two independent stratovolcanoes - Strechový Hill and Bogota, in both volcanoes can be shared out central, transitional and peripheral zone. Above mentioned construction will interfere only in peripheral zone, which is typical through andesitic pyroc1astic rocks facies, redeposited pyroclastic rocks and relics of lava flows with good permeability. The territory is hit by important faults systems of NW-SE, NE-SW and N-S directions, too, which fracture sediments of molassa and neogene volcanical rocks.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Tometz, L. 1998: Hodnotenie vplyvu plánovanej výstavby diaľnice D1 Bidovce - Dargov na horninové prostredie a podzemnú vodu.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, IV, 2/1998, 130-140.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
diaľnica, hydrogeologické pomery, hodnotenie vplyvu na životné prostredie