ABSTRACT: Municipal waste accumulation is the main genetic secondary factor, closely connected with human activity, influencing the chemical composition of ground waters in the area studied. As the rate of waste production is higher than the rate of it´s natural decomposition, the number of licenced and unlicenced landfills is increasing. Routes of water leachates migrating from three landfills into their surroundings were traced. Quality of the water in monitoring boreholes was analysed and compared with the Standard of drinking water (STN 757 111) and with Methodical instruction 130 - 1992/1. The results were transformed into Hydrogeochemical special map with the use of target graphs.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Ušiaková, Z. & A. Roháčiková, 2000: Vplyv skládok tuhého komunálneho odpadu na kvalitu fluviogénnych podzemných vôd v oblasti Suchohradu, Záhorskej Vsi a Vysokej pri Morave.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, VI, 1/2000, 43-50.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
skládky, metodický pokyn, norma - pitná voda, výluh, tuhý komunálny odpad, kvalita podzemnej vody, fluviálne podzemné vody
key words:
landfills, methodical instruction, standard of drinking water, leachate, municipal solid waste, quality of ground water, fluvial groundwater