ABSTRACT: The most important aquifers in the hydrogeological structure of the Tisovec karst are MiddleUpper carbonates of the Muráň (Silica) nappe. The rock environment in the area above the city of Tisovec cut two main surface water streams - Rimava and Furmanec. Attend hidden feedings of carbonate rocks by surface water and reciprocai communication of stream water with groundwater is supposed here. Geophysical and discharge measurements by current meter showed that the most significant groundwater surpluses to the stream discharge are situated on the lower part of the Furmanec River, mainly in the middle of the investigated interval. Total surplus of water was found out on this stream in the volume of + 26.93 l.s-l. On the other hand, groundwater loss into the rock environment of about - 16.75 l.s-l was discovered in the Rimava River.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Vojtková, S. & P. Malík, 2002: Prestup krasových vôd do tokov Rimava a Furmanec v hydrogeologickej štruktúre Tisovského krasu.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, VIII, 2/2002, 141-149.