ABSTRACT: The evaluation of groundwater vulnerability using physically-based approaches does not have many applications yet. The aim of the paper is to assess groundwater vulnerability defined by measurable physical units, reproducible and comparable in all possible natural environments. Groundwater vulnerability map composition was based on modelIing of a conservative contaminantion movement through the unsaturated zone towards groundwater table. Three factors describing pollution by a conservative contamination were defined: contaminant transfer time (tbreak), duration of contamination (tduration) and level of concentration reached by the contaminant (CmaxlCo). For calculation of these parameters, the VULK tool developed and applied at University of Neuchätel in Switzerland was used.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Malík, P. & S. Vojtková, 2004: Hodnotenie zranitelnosti podzemných vôd Tisovského krasu metódami zohladňujúcimi fyzikálne zákonitosti šírenia sa kontaminácie.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, X, 1/2004, 70-81.