ABSTRACT: Acid mine drainage of coal mining waste has been observed for many years within the territory of Upper Silesia. The paper presents a l-D kinetic-based model (PHREEQC) of pyrite oxidation and transport within a representative pile of hard coal mining waste. The phases involved in hydrogeochemical reactions were primarily identified on the basis of inverse modelIing. Despite its simplicity the transport model efficiently reproduces the chemical composition of effluents from the site. The consecutive reaction stages connected with the rate of water exchange might be helpful in assessment of the environmental impact of acid mine drainage of the waste rock pile.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Labus, K. & A. Grmela, 2006: A model of water chemistry forming in effect of pyrite oxidation in a coal mining waste pile.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XII, 1/2006, 50-55.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
hydrogeochemické modelování, kyselé výluhové vody, težební odpady