ABSTRACT: The area between villages Medzev and Zlatá Idka is well-known by exploitation of iron and antimony ores in 19th and the beginning of 20th centuries, In 1996-1998 the hydrogeological exploration was done being targeted on finding of mine water for drinking purposes. The article presents obtained results. The mine water in this area in prevailing cases is not suitable for collective supplying of inhabitants by drinking water. Besides the high contents of arsenic and antimony, iron and manganese, this water is aggressive, without stable yield and chemical composition.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Bačová, N., 2006: Niektoré poznatky o banských vodách priestoru Medzev - Zlatá Idka.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XII, 1/2006, 39-49.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
štôlňa, banská voda, makrochemické zloženie vody, kvalita banskej vody, režimové pozorovanie, arzén a antimón, korelačná analýza
key words:
mine adit, mine water, macrocomposition of water, quality of mine water, regime observation, arsenic and antimony, correlation analysis