Využitie matematického modelovania na posúdenie miery vplyvu vybudovania tesniacej clony na zmenu hladinového režimu podzemných vôd v čiastkovom povodí Moravy
Využitie matematického modelovania na posúdenie miery vplyvu vybudovania tesniacej clony na zmenu hladinového režimu podzemných vôd v čiastkovom povodí Moravy
Mathematical modeling usage for evaluation of cut-off walls construction influence on ground water head changes in the Morava river sub basin
ABSTRACT: This paper describes results of groundwater and surface water modelling in the Morava river sub basin near Moravský Svätý Ján village. The main goal of the study was to create hydraulic model of the area and by means of modelling tools get characteristics of flow for selected water stages and to find answer to possible water flow changes due to human activity or natural changes in the area. One of the project goal was to evaluate the influence of cut-off wall on ground water heads, built by reconstruction of flood protection dikes. The second goal was to evaluate influence of river bed dropdown on ground water head level. Solving of given tasks could help better understanding of processes in the area by future management and planning in the territory.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Krčmář, D. & M. Hudáček, 2006: Využitie matematického modelovania na posúdenie miery vplyvu vybudovania tesniacej clony na zmenu hladinového režimu podzemných vôd v čiastkovom povodí Moravy.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XII, 2/2006, 124-134.