Metodika hodnotenia agresívnych vlastností podzemnej vody v zmysle slovenskej technickej normy STN EN 206-1 a jej aplikácia v pohorí Vtáčnik
Metodika hodnotenia agresívnych vlastností podzemnej vody v zmysle slovenskej technickej normy STN EN 206-1 a jej aplikácia v pohorí Vtáčnik
Methods of groundwater aggressive properties evaluation according to the slovak technical standard STN EN 206-1 and its application in the Vtáčnik Mountains
Miriam Fendeková, David Krčmář, František Malík, Zuzana Makišová, Anna Roháčiková
ABSTRACT: The new methods for evaluation of groundwater aggressive properties according to the international standard STN EN 206-1 and the Slovak national standard STN 03 8375 are proposed in the paper. Methods were applied on the territory of the Vtáčnik Mts. belonging to the Central Slovakian volcanic field. Research results showed that the whole area can be included into one region of aggressive groundwater with the aggressiveness degree XA1. The groundwater aggressiveness is caused mainly by presence of aggressive carbon dioxide. Only in few cases also aggressiveness caused by lowered pH value was showed. Research results were visualised using location map of groundwater aggressiveness in respective towns and villages.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Fendeková, M., Krčmář, D., Malík, F., Makišová, Z. & A. Roháčiková, 2006: Metodika hodnotenia agresívnych vlastností podzemnej vody v zmysle STN EN 206-1 a jej aplikácia v pohorí Vtáčnik.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XII, 2/2006, 101-112.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
podzemná voda, agresívne vlastnosti, metodika hodnotenia, neovulkanity, pohorie Vtáčnik