Peter Némethy, Anna Hornáčková Patschová, Miriam Fendeková
ABSTRACT: Neovolcanic rocks build the area of 5 634 km2, which represents 12 % of the total territory of Slovakia. Neovolcanics were considered for low important from the point of view of drinking water supply of inhabitants in the past. More attention was devoted to neovolcanic hydrogeological structures in the end of 50-ies of the last century. The stage of groundwater utilization in neovolcanics especially and in Slovakia as a whole since 1990 up to 2005 is assessed in the paper. Totally 3342 l.s-1 of usable groundwater amounts is documented in hydrogeological regions built by neovolcanic rocks at present. The decrease in groundwater utilization in Slovakia started after 1990 and in neovolcanics after 1992. The decrease of withdrawals reached 48 % in both cases. Neovolcanics have a share of 4.8 % on total groundwater withdrawals in Slovakia. Diminishing of water consumption and at the same time decrease of withdrawals from neovolcanic rocks is documented in the paper. Authors point out the important usable groundwater amounts especially in the Slanské vrchy Mts., not utilized until now. The eastern Slovakian region has long-term problems with drinking water supply of inhabitants. Therefore groundwater from Slanské vrchy Mts. could be the source helping to improve the situation.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Némethy, P., Hornáčková Patschová, A. & M. Fendeková, 2006: Stav a možnosti využívania podzemnej vody slovenských neovulkanitov.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XII, 2/2006, 92-100.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
Neovulkanity Slovenska, potreba vody, odberné množstvá, špecifická potreba vody
key words:
Slovak Neogene volcanics, water demand, withdrawals, specific water demand