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Geologický prieskum životného prostredia skládky odpadov „Podunajské Biskupice – južne od poľnohospodárskeho družstva“

Geologický prieskum životného prostredia skládky odpadov „Podunajské Biskupice – južne od poľnohospodárskeho družstva“

Geological survey of the waste dump „Podunajské Biskupice – south of the agricultural farm“

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2023 [ ročník 29, číslo 2 ]
Jozef Kordík, Dušan Bodiš†, Igor Stríček, Ivan Györög, Michal Jankulár, Igor Slaninka

ABSTRACT: Article is based on the results of “Geological survey of the Podunajské Biskupice landfill – south of agricultural cooperative”. In situ measurements, sampling of the soil and groundwater samples, atmogeochemical measurements and detailed chemical analyses were carried out. The rock environment beneath the landfill material is not significantly polluted. However, the original landfill material itself is significantly inhomogeneous and represents a source of potential pollution which may be transported by rainwater infiltration or in the case of groundwater contact with the old part of landfill body. This possibility of pollution spread has been demonstrated in groundwater of the borehole VNPD-1. Anthropogenically influenced chemical composition of groundwater in this borehole differed significantly from the groundwater in the vicinity of the landfill. ID / IT limits in groundwater of borehole VNPD-1 were exceeded for NH4+, Cl- and TOC. Slightly elevated concentrations of contaminants (NH4+, TOC) were detected in groundwater from well RM-740 and from the “roadside well”, located in the direction of groundwater flow. Direction of groundwater flow and possible contamination spread is influenced by the Groundwater Hydraulic Protection system SLOVNAFT, a. s. Without this influence, the groundwater flow would be approximately west-east and the groundwater would be directed towards the Žitný ostrov area.

odkaz na článok:
Kordík, J., Bodiš, D., Stríček, I., Györög, I., Jankulár, M. & I. Slaninka 2023: Geologický prieskum životného prostredia skládky odpadov „Podunajské Biskupice – južne od poľnohospodárskeho družstva“.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 29, 2/2023, 55-73.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: Skládka odpadov, kvalita podzemných vôd, znečistenie horninového prostredia, Podunajské Biskupice

key words: Waste dump, groundwater quality, contamination of rock environment, Podunajské Biskupice

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