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Výtokové čiary prameňov v Brezovských Karpatoch

Výtokové čiary prameňov v Brezovských Karpatoch

Discharge recession curves of springs in the Brezovské Karpaty Mts.

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2023 [ ročník 29, číslo 1 ]
Peter Malík, Daniel Panák

ABSTRACT: Recession curves of springs’ discharge are an important characteristic feature of natural groundwater sources. Short-term trends in discharge development can be forecasted with the help of this tool, but can be used also to characterize the relevant aquifers’ properties. The essential basis of such evaluations is the regular monitoring of the yield of springs, which in the case of the Brezovské Karpaty Mts. has been implemented since 2005 by Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a. s. waterworks. In several assessed cases, also springs from the monitoring network of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute were also evaluated. In the aforementioned region these were observed over a longer time period, but only at seven locations. A total of 26 individual and cumulative water sources were evaluated in this study. Exponential equations were chosen to describe the (laminar) slow flow components (sub-regimes), simple linear equations were used to describe the (turbulent) fast flow components. For each groundwater source or (in two cases) a group of sources, a master recession curve was constructed: for 18 springs it could be described by merely one exponential equation (9 springs) or by the superposition of two exponential equations (9 springs). A combination of one turbulent and one laminar outflow component was detected in two springs, and for 6 springs the existence of exclusively (turbulent) fast flow components was identified in their master recession curves. Among them, in four cases, the discharge decrease over time could be described by one linear equation, for two of the sources by the superposition of two linear equations. The most surprising finding, however, was that all these springs drain Triassic dolomites.

odkaz na článok:
Malík, P. & D. Panák 2023: Výtokové čiary prameňov v Brezovských Karpatoch.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 29, 1/2023, 13-49.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: Výtokové čiary, zložky odtoku, subrežimy, kras, pramene, Brezovské Karpaty

key words: Recession curves, flow components, sub-regimes, karst, springs, Brezovské Karpaty Mts.

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