Pravdepodobnosť výskytu producentných mikroorganizmov v podzemnej vode ovplyvnenej povrchovou vodou a možnosti ich eliminácie fyzikálnymi metódami
Pravdepodobnosť výskytu producentných mikroorganizmov v podzemnej vode ovplyvnenej povrchovou vodou a možnosti ich eliminácie fyzikálnymi metódami
Probability of occurrence of producer microorganisms in groundwater affected by surface water and the possibility of their eliminating using physical methods
Lívia Kijovská, Alžbeta Takáčová, Miroslava Smolinská, Milan Semerád, Lucia Krajňáková
ABSTRACT: Groundwater influenced by surface water is polluted by microorganisms and other substances. Microscopic particulate analysis identifies this risk, and algae prove a reliable indicator. Algal growth and reproduction cultivated in different model media supplemented with nutrients identified growth stimulation and inhibition. Herein, the monospecific Desmodesmus subspicatus algal strain was cultivated using a defined media model and subjected to the physical effects of 450 to 600 nm FAR solar radiation and 100 – 280 nm UV. Cell density was measured each 24 hours over the 3 day exposure period, and biomass concentration change was compared to biomass concentrations of control cultures grown under the same conditions. The different types of radiation combined with sufficient model nutrients result in stimulated/inhibited Desmodesmus subspicatus growth. Under certain conditions, the nutrient-enriched water can promote biomass increase which becomes a medium for secondary pathogenic microorganisms. Care is required not only to identify pathogenic and facultative pathogen propagation but also to identify autotrophic microorganisms which create biomass and can become nutrients for decomposers and consumers.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Kijovská, L., Takáčová, A., Smolinská, M., Semerád, M. & L. Krajňáková, 2014: Pravdepodobnosť výskytu producentných mikroorganizmov v podzemnej vode ovplyvnenej povrchovou vodou a možnosti ich eliminácie fyzikálnymi metódami.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
Podzemná voda, mikroskopická riziková analýza, Desmodesmus subspicatus, FAR žiarenie, UV žiarenie
key words:
Groundwater, microscopic risk analysis, Desmodesmus subspicatus, FAR radiation, UV radiation