ABSTRACT: Statistical methods and mathematicai modelling by lumpfit model, analytical and numerical models were used for analysis of regime and interrelationships of ground water and mineral water. The results of above mentioned methods showed the seasonal character of mineral water regime influenced by their exploitation and by precipitation. No influence of long-term free outflow test done on Š1-NB II borehole was evident. 27 l/s of mineral water were estimated for permanent exploitation from Bojnice high block.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Fendek, M., Jezný, M. & M. Fendeková 1997: Režim a vzájomné vzťahy obyčajných a minerálnych vôd v oblasti Bojníc.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, III, 1/1997, 80-94.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
minerálne vody, režim, štatistická analýza, matematické modelovanie, exploatačné množstvo
key words:
mineral water, regime, statistical analysis, mathematicai modelling, exploitation rate