ABSTRACT: Groundwater circulation promotes evapotranspiration and thus, in addition to fertility and other benefits, it also promotes the transfer of solar energy stored in the process of evaporation of water and transfers it to the upper atmosphere. Here, the water vapour releases this energy by condensation (cloud formation – change of state from vapour to water). The energy released thus warms these higher layers of the atmosphere and the heat is radiated out into space beyond the Earth. In addition, the formation of clouds reflects solar radiation (albedo) and shades the Earth's surface. Cold rain cools the Earth's surface and the circulation continues again by evaporation and infiltration into the groundwater table (seepage). Problem: The drop in groundwater levels and thus the lack of groundwater resources hinders these cooling natural processes and superimposes i.e. contributes to the causes of current climate change – warming the atmosphere in a significant way. The depth and scarcity of groundwater affects the above-mentioned processes and the use of solar energy for cooling by using water (on the surface of the Earth, including its reserves in groundwater) to create a cooling medium, i.e. water vapour, which flows into the atmosphere, where it condenses and radiates heat to the outside of the Earth as well. As much water as we help evaporate, so much of it comes back in cold rain, and again some of it evaporates and splashes on the ground, and again and again it helps cool the ground, and it also helps the crop and the binding of CO2 to organic matter and the recharging of groundwater. We know that the amount of precipitation on the continent is decreasing, the groundwater table is dropping, evaporation is decreasing. The following text is about the use of groundwater in solving of the numerous climate problems.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Mucha, I. & R. Hajossy 2023: Podzemná voda a klimatické zmeny.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, 29, 1/2023, 1-12.