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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Contamination of the water and bottom sediments from gravel pits and pond in Bratislava area

Contamination of the water and bottom sediments from gravel pits and pond in Bratislava area


• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 1995 [ ročník I, číslo 2 ]
Kvetoslava Hyánková, Zlatica Ženišová, Lenka Vojtková

ABSTRACT: According to the content of dominant ions, TDS, COD and oxygen, six gravel pits and one pond were evaluated, as well as changing from 1976. In the water were determinated As, Cd, Hg, Mn, Pb and Ni in the bottom sediments too. At the present day we have the biggest problem with gravel pits polluted by water birds, fishing and leakage sewage. During the 20 years sulfate pollution decreased while the content of chloride essentially increased at two gravel pits. From the trace elements Pb has the highest representation. Higher concentration of Pb was find out in spring. Next in order is As, Hg and Cd. The content of elements of the bottom sediments decreasing in order Pb, Ni, As, Cd and Hg. The highest values of accumulation factors water - sediments had Mn and Pb.

odkaz na článok:
Hyánková, K., Ženišová, Z. & L. Vojtková 1995: Contamination of the water and bottom sediments from gravel pits and pond in Bratislava area.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, I, 2/1995, 69-77.

jazyk článku: angličtina

kľúčové slová: -

key words: gravel pits, pond, inorganic contamination, trace elements

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