Pavol Pospišil, Dušan Bodiš, Tibor Kovács, Anton Leško
ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the special conditions for Danube water to infiltrate, groundwater flow through aquifer and hydrogeochemical results of the ground water filtration through aquifer. Ground water flow is influenced by heterogeneities of the sediments, and by the shape of the bedrock in the area from Bratislava to Čunovo. Due to these natural conditions chemical composition of the ground water is fairly heterogenic in cross section and in plane as well as the geological environment. These inhomogeneities are explained by different time which water, infiltrated from different parts of the river bed needs to get the place of the interest.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Pospišil, P., Bodiš, D., Kovács, T. & A. Leško, 2000: Vplyv anizotropného prostredia na prúdenie podzemnej vody, jej kvalitu a ochranu.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, VI, 2/2000, 210-223.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
podzemná voda, vodný zdroj Rusovce - Ostrovné Lúčky - Mokraď, hydrogeochémia, kvalita a ochrana