ABSTRACT: This paper examines groundwater runoff separation at 24 partial watersheds around the 122.8 km2 Tlstá hydrogeological structure composed of Triassic dolomites and limestones. The classic groundwater runoff separation methods of Kille, Foster and, Castany and the discharge probability values were applied. Discharges from springs depicted on detailed maps collected by the author were also analyzed, and data on groundwater abstraction was used for correction of time series. Values of the average groundwater runoff in the reported period ranged from 1.35 to 55.70 L.s-1.km-2, with a median value of 8.31 and an average of 10.61 L·s-1·km-2. The minimum groundwater runoff ranged from 0.96 to 48.40 L·s-1·km-2, with an 8.58 L·s-1·km-2 average and 7.03 L·s-1·km-2 median. Distribution of the specific groundwater runoff from the springs documented within these partial watersheds registered very similar areal distribution. The overall areal distribution of the groundwater runoff from both springs and surface water discharges was very irregular, and indicated groundwater exchange between the watersheds.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Malík, P. 2012: Odtok podzemných vôd z čiastkových povodí hydrogeologickej štruktúry Tlstej.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XVIII, 1/2012, 49-64.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
Odtok podzemných vôd, pramene, triasové karbonáty, hydrogeologická štruktúra Tlstej
key words:
Groundwater runoff, springs, Triassic carbonates, Tlstá hydrogeological structure