ABSTRACT: The special ISHG information system (ISHG) has been created for hydrogeology data management and evaluation requirements. It is based on client–server technology for the internet environment, and due to that relationship the system includes technical support for individual cooperating workmates on studies and projects which enable data assembly, treatment and evaluation. Moreover, the system covers water resources audits and it contributes to prognostic solutions for drinking water consumption. Data tables are interactively accessible using map symbols, so ISHG provides effective assemblage of essential data and also data evaluation on demand.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Dugáček, D. 2012: Informačný systém pre hydrogeologické štúdie.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XVIII, 1/2012, 28-37.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
Informačný systém, klient-server, hydrogeológia, prameň, vodná nádrž, pitná voda, prognóza
key words:
Information system, client-server, hydrogeology, spring well, water reservoir, drinking water, prognosis