ABSTRACT: Geological specializations are currently affected mainly by improving attitude of society towards environment and by spreading of information technologies. Slovak hydrogeology of mineral deposits has been, in addition, meaningly affected by decay of mining activity after 1989, when the rate of explored and exploited mineral deposits has considerably decreased. Prognosis of future development presume dedine of traditional tasks of hydrogeology of mineral deposits (workings dewatering) and growth of ecological works (determination and elimination of undesirable environmental impacts) together with possibility assessment of mine water and workings practicai utilization.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Bajtoš, P., 2002: Slovenská ložisková hydrogeológia na prahu tretieho tisícročia.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, VIII, 2/2002, 171-179.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
ložisková hydrogeológia, hydrogeológia, ťažobný priemysel, ekológia, banské vody
key words:
hydrogeology of mineral deposits, hydrogeology, mining industry, ecology, mine waters