ABSTRACT: Method of risk expression for groundwater by potential pollution point sources is presented in the paper. The method is based on risk scores assigning for particular sites as a result of preliminary risk assessment conducted on each site. For the preliminary risk assessment two types of data are us ed, the site specific data and data connected with the site environment. The site specific data are scored following the type and amount of harmful chemical s stored and/or handled on the site. Scores connected with the site environmental data are assigned following the site position on the maps of groundwater vulnerability and groundwater classes, The groundwater classes are defined by the water management importance of the aquifer beneath the site environment.
bibliografický odkaz na článok:
Chriašteľ, R., Kullman, E. & T. Lánczos, 2004: Predbežná riziková analýza potenciálnych bodových zdrojov znečistenia a ohrozenie podzemných vôd.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, X, 2/2004, 32-43.
jazyk článku:
kľúčové slová:
podzemná voda, riziková analýza, zraniteľnosť, vodné hospodárstvo
key words:
groundwater, risk assessment, vulnerability, water management