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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Príčiny zmien výdatnosti záchytných zariadení podzemných vôd

Príčiny zmien výdatnosti záchytných zariadení podzemných vôd

The causes of changes of dug wells groundwaters

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 1996 [ ročník II, číslo 2 ]
Jozef Kriš, Jozef Martoň, Ivona Škultétyová

ABSTRACT: In Slovakia, more than 80% inhabitants and other consumers are supplied with potable water gained from groundwater resources. Water is gained mostly in wells which may differ in diameter, depth and equipment. Due to pumping of groundwater from the wells, certain physical, chemical and biological changes occur, which affect the lifetime of the wells. These phenomena are called ageing of well s and their overall effect is reduction of the well capacity. Therefore, maintenance of well s have to be carried out with special care. Effective maintenance programs beg in with well construction records showing, geologic conditions, water quality and pumping performance. So many variables are involved, however, that a single maintenance program cannot be devised that will work for every hydrogeologic condition and every type of well.

odkaz na článok:
Kriš, J., Martoň, J. & I. Škultétyová 1996: Príčiny zmien výdatnosti záchytných zariadení podzemných vôd.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, II, 2/1996, 56-59.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: podzemné vody, starnutie studní, rekonštrukcia studní, údržba studní, hladina vody v studní

key words: ground water, ageing wells, rehabilitation of wells, maintenance wells, water level in well

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