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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Rainfall pollution and carbonate rock solution within upper jurassic karstic aquifer in the southern part of Cracow-Czestochowa Upland (Southern Poland)

Rainfall pollution and carbonate rock solution within upper jurassic karstic aquifer in the southern part of Cracow-Czestochowa Upland (Southern Poland)

Riešenie vzťahu znečistenia zrážok a rozpúštania karbonátových hornín jurských krasových kolektorov južnej časti vysočiny Krakow-Czestochova (južné Poľsko)

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2003 [ ročník IX, číslo 2 ]
Jacek Róžkowski

ABSTRACT: The paper presents results of hydrochemical investigations carried on in the nineties within the karstic region of Cracow-Czestochowa Upland, mainly of rural character, which is under anthropopressure from agglomeration of Cracow and Upper Silesia. Progressing acidification of rainfaIl correlated with decrease of mineralization and calcium and ammonium ion concentration in it was stated. Within vadose zone of carbonate rock massif there is observed change of water pH in buffering process to slightly alkaline, dynamic increase of major elements concentration as result of carbonate rock leaching, slow vertical migration of sulfate and chloride pollution front and biological consumption of nitrate and potassium. Within phreatic zone hydrochemical type of water is changed from HCO3-SO4-Ca to HCO3-Ca whereas average sulfate ion concentration is distinctly lower and other major elements one is respectively lower. Within phreatic zo ne there is observed increase of mineralization of water, increase of Ca, Mg, HC03, SiO2, Sr and Ba ion concentľation in water in vertical profile and along regional flow diľection (E, NE) whereas in the southern part of the Upper Jurassic aquifer - from tectonic horsts toward tectonic troughs. This geneľal tendency can be modified by intermediate and local flow and anthropopressure.

odkaz na článok:
Róžkowski, J., 2003: Rainfall pollution and carbonate rock solution within upper jurassic karstic aquifer in the southern part of Cracow-Czestochowa Upland (Southern Poland).- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, IX, 2/2003, 11-19.

jazyk článku: angličtina

kľúčové slová: zrážky, puklinovo-krasové vody, rozpúšťanie karbonátov, zmena chemického zloženia vody

key words: precipitation, fissure-karstic water, carbonate rock solution, transformation of water chemistry

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