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Rezistivimetrické a termometrické merania podzemného vodného toku v Gombaseckej jaskyni

Rezistivimetrické a termometrické merania podzemného vodného toku v Gombaseckej jaskyni

Resistivimetric and thermometric measurements of underground stream in the Gombasecká cave

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2010 [ ročník XVI, číslo 2 ]
Peter Malík, Miloš Gregor, Jaromír Švasta, Dagmar Haviarová, Ľudovít Gaál

ABSTRACT: Application and interpretation of longitudinal profile measurement of specific electric conductivity (resistivimetry) and water temperature (thermometry) along karstic underground stream in the cave are presented on the example of Gombasecká cave in the Slovenský kras Mts. Measurements of underground river water temperature and specific electric conductivity were performed there on Oct. 15, 2009, with the step of 1.0 meter in the streamline of active flow or (if wider than 1.0 meter), along its left and right side, 20 cm aside the stream-bank. Results of such measurements can be used especially for identification of hidden tributaries into the main stream, but also can help us to decide on the water communication with the surface. This simple, but very sensitive method can be also helpful in stream hydrodynamics description within the karst system. This paper documents probably the first use of such a method in the cave environment.

odkaz na článok:
Malík, P., Gregor, M., Švasta, J., Haviarová, D. & Ľ. Gaál, 2010: Rezistivimetrické a termometrické merania podzemného vodného toku v Gombaseckej jaskyni.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XVI, 2/2010, 193-203.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: elektrolytická vodivosť vody, rezistivimetria, termometria, pozdĺžne profilovanie, krasový podzemný tok, Gombasecká jaskyňa, Slovenský kras

key words: water electric conductivity of water, resistivimetry, thermometry, longitudinal profile measurement, underground stream, Gombasecká jaskyňa cave, Slovenský kras Mts.

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