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Články časopisu PODZEMNÁ VODA

Kontaminácia vôd, pôd a riečnych sedimentov arzénom a antimónom na opustenom ložisku Pernek – Križnica

Kontaminácia vôd, pôd a riečnych sedimentov arzénom a antimónom na opustenom ložisku Pernek – Križnica

Contamination of water, soils and stream sediments by arsenic and antimony in the abandoned deposit Pernek – Križnica

• tento článok sa nachádza v kategórii: PODZEMNÁ VODA / rok 2010 [ ročník XVI, číslo 1 ]
Ivana Jašová, Renáta Fľaková, Zlatica Ženišová, Ľubomír Jurkovič, Peter Šottník, David Krčmář, Boris Bodácz

ABSTRACT: The abandoned deposit Pernek – Križnica was very significant Sb-Au deposit in Malé Karpaty Mountains. Since 1790 there was the first mention of mining activity in this area. The old abandoned adits and tailings are covered by vegetation and they have a negative influence on the chemical composition of water, soils and stream sediments. The transport medium is represented by the surface water which is the main carrier in pollutants spreading in flow direction further away from the source of contamination. The arsenic and antimony concentrations are not very high in water, the maximum values were 0.006 mg.L-1 of arsenic and 0.032 mg.L-1 of antimony. The elevated concentrations of sulphates, iron, manganese and nickel were detected in surface water in this area. Traces of contamination in groundwater from the home wells in Pernek were not determined. Soil and stream sediments contamination is connected with the surface flow draining the old mine works. The highest concentration 513.9 mg.kg-1 of arsenic and 894 mg.kg-1 of antimony were detected in soils and 390 mg.kg-1 of arsenic and 702.7 mg.kg-1 of antimony in stream sediments.

odkaz na článok:
Jašová, I., Fľaková, R., Ženišová, Z., Jurkovič, Ľ., Šottník, P., Krčmář, D. & B. Bodácz, 2010: Kontaminácia vôd, pôd a riečnych sedimentov arzénom a antimónom na opustenom ložisku Pernek – Križnica.- Podzemná voda ISSN 1335-1052, XVI, 1/2010, 33-53.

jazyk článku: slovenčina

kľúčové slová: opustené ložisko Pernek – Križnica, kontaminácia, voda, pôdy, riečne sedimenty, antimón, arzén

key words: abandoned deposit Pernek – Križnica, contamination, water, soils, stream sediments, antimony, arsenic

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